Il futuro dei verdi in Europa. Il coraggio di cambiare

Oltre 750 iscritti provenienti da tutta Europa per discutere sul futuro dei Verdi nell’Unione. L’appuntamento sul tema “Courage to Change – Say Yes to Europe” (Il coraggio di cambiare – diciamo Sì all’Europa) si svolgerà a Berlino, venerdì 4 marzo.

Di seguito la presentazione dell’evento, in inglese, tratta dal sito del partito verde europeo, e il calendario dei lavori.


The EU is once again facing an extraordinary set of challenges: hundreds of thousands of people are looking for shelter from war, dictatorship and prosecution. Greece is in the fifth year of a deep crisis. It is still unclear as to whether there will be a sound agreement to combat climate change. Instead of developing urgently needed common solutions, national governments engage in navel-gazing and subordinate EU solidarity to national egos. But the fact is that the challenges of our time and the transnational problems, which concern us all, are far too big for any single country to cope with alone. We need an EU that sticks together and develops effective instruments to face the challenges and fight the causes of the crises

Over the past 70 years, the European project has been shaped again and again by deep crises. These crises also often proved to be unexpected opportunities to overcome stagnation. Today, the EU has to address fundamental questions: What changes do we need to make the EU adequately crisis-proof and capable of action? In what areas do we need more EU competences and more common policies? What instruments do we need to strengthen EU democracy? How can we offer millions of people, who are looking for shelter from war, the new perspective of a better life? What sort of cooperation do we need on budgetary, financial, social and economic policies to stabilise the economic and monetary union? How can the EU become an effective global forerunner for climate protection and renewable energy and fulfil its responsibility to make the world more peaceful and just?

To register, please click HERE. The event will be held in German/English. Please note that you need to provide name, DOB and contact details till 1 March 2016. An ID will be required in order to get access to the premises of the German Bundestag.

The Green parliamentary group in the German Bundestag and the delegation of the German Greens in the European Parliament would like to engage in an open debate about reform proposals on the further development of the European Union.



9.00 – Registration

9.30 – Welcome

  •  Dr. Anton Hofreiter MP, Co-President Green Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag
  •  Sven Giegold MEP, Spokesperson of the Delegation of the German Greens in the European Parliament

9.45 – Europe speech

  •  Alexander van der Bellen, independent candidate for the Presidential election in Austria

10.15 – Parallel workshops

Workshop 1

Out of the Back Rooms: Strengthening European Democracy


  • Sylvie Goulard MEP, Spinelli group, former President European Movement France
  • Andreas Maurer, Professor for Political Science and European Integration, University of Innsbruck


  • Manuel Sarrazin MP

Fishbowl discussion with contributions by:

  • Sven Giegold MEP
  • Jan Philipp Albrecht MEP


Workshop 2

Power for Peace in Turbulent Times: For a Preventive European Foreign Policy


  • Kamal Jendoubi,Minister of Constitutional Bodies and Civil Society, Tunisia
  • Daniela Schwarzer, Director of the Europe Program at the German Marshall Fund


  • Dr. Franziska Brantner MP

Fishbowl discussion with contributions by:

  • Barbara Lochbihler MEP
  • Doris Wagner MP
  • Tamás Meszerics MP, Lehet Más a Politika, Hungary


Workshop 3

Invest Green, Trade Fair: For a New Economic Dynamic


  • Henrik Enderlein, Director Jacques Delors Institute Berlin, Hertie School of Governance
  • Guntram B. Wolff,Bruegel, Direktor


  • Kerstin Andreae MP

Fishbowl discussion with contributions by:

  • Katharina Dröge MP
  • Reinhard Bütikofer MEP
  • Ville Niinistö, Member of the Finish Parliament, Chairman of the Green League


Workshop 4

Better (De-)Regulation? For a Strong EU Environment Protection


  • Pieter de Pous, European Environmental Bureau, EU Policy Director
  • Trees Robijns, BirdLife, Policy Officer


  • Martin Häusling MEP

Fishbowl discussion with contributions by:

  • Peter Meiwald MP
  • Steffi Lemke MP


11.45 – Lunch break

13.00 – Parallel Workshops

Workshop 5

Humanity Instead of Foreclosure: For a EU Asylum Policy Based on Solidarity


  • Karl Kopp, Pro Asyl’s Europe region representative and Member in the Executive of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles
  • Ramy Khouili, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Networ, Advisor


  • Luise Amtsberg MP

Fishbowl discussion with contributions by:

  • Ska Keller MEP
  • Maria Heubuch MEP
  • Maria Ferm, Member of the Swedish Parliament, President of the Green parliamentary group Miljöpartiet de Gröna


Workshop 6

United in Solidarity: For a Social Europe


  • László Andor, former EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Integration
  • Allan Päll, Social Platform, Secretary General European Youth Forum,


  • Terry Reintke MEP

Fishbowl discussion with contributions by:

  • Dr. Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn MP
  • Laia Ortiz i Castellví, Deputy Mayor Barcelona, Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds


Workshop 7

Stabilise. Regulate. Integrate: For an EU Budgetary and Financial Policy based on Solidarity


  • Cinzia Alcidi, Centre for European Policy Studies, Head of the Economic Policy Unit
  • Constanze Adolf, Green Budget Europe, Deputy Director


  • Dr. Gerhard Schick MP

Fishbowl discussion with contributions by:

  • Sven Christian Kindler MP
  • Helga Trüpel MEP
  • Bruno Rossmann, Member of the Austrian Parliament, Die Grünen


Workshop 8

Say No to Climate Killers! With Energy for a European Climate Union


  • Connie Hedegaard, former EU Commissioner on Climate Protection
  • Markus Tacke, European Wind Energy Association, CEO


  • Annalena Baerbock MP

Fishbowl discussion with contributions by:

  • Michael Cramer MEP
  • Rebecca Harms MEP
  • Benedek Jávor MEP, Dialogue for Hungary, Hungary


14.30 – Coffee break

15.00 – Panel discussion


  • Rebecca Harms MdEP President Green/EFA group in the European Parliament
  • Manuel Sarrazin MP, Spokesperson European affairs, Green Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag
  • Ulrike Guérot, European Democracy Lab, European School of Governance Berlin, Director
  • Yves Bertoncini, Jacques Delors Institut Pari, Director
  • Bas Eickhout MEP, GroenLinks, Netherlands


  • Doris Simon, Journalist, Deutschlandfunk


16.30 –  Wrap Up

  • Dr. Frithjof Schmidt MP, Deputy Chairman Green Parliamentary Group in the Geman Bundestag
  • Reinhard Bütikofer MEP, President European Green Party


16.45 –  End

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